VPS Para Spring Boot
Despliega y Escala tus Aplicaciones de Spring Boot sin Límites.
Si buscas un entorno rápido, seguro y altamente optimizado para tus aplicaciones Java, nuestro VPS para Spring Boot es la solución ideal.
Con servidores configurados para maximizar el rendimiento de tus microservicios y aplicaciones empresariales, podrás enfocarte en el desarrollo sin preocuparte por la infraestructura.
Lleva tu aplicación Spring Boot al siguiente nivel con un VPS diseñado para la estabilidad y el crecimiento. ¡Empieza hoy mismo!
VPS Bueno y Barato:
Permiten hacer todo de Spring Boot (They allow you to do everything from Spring Boot):
- Spring Boot @EnableAutoConfiguration
- Spring Boot Controlling Object Creation
- Spring Boot Component-Based Software
- Spring Boot JavaBeans, Reconsidered
- Spring Boot Singletons And Prototypes
- Spring Boot @SpringBootConfiguration
- Spring Boot View Resolvers
- Spring Boot Chaining View Resolvers
- Spring Boot Dependency Injection
- Spring Boot Single And Multiple Relationships
- Spring Boot Autowiring
- Spring Boot Bean Aliases
- Spring Boot Validators
- Spring Boot Triggering Redirects
- Spring Boot Request/Response Cycle
- Spring Boot Error Messages And Localization
- Spring Boot SpringBootServletInitializer
- Spring Boot @SpringBootApplication
- Spring Boot SpringBootServerInitializer
- Spring Boot Web Application Contexts
- Spring Boot Order Of Instantiation
- Spring Boot Gradle, Maven, etc.
- Spring Boot AI
- And Much More...
powered by Digital Ocean
- Java and Spring support
- $200 (60-day free trial) upon registration
- Deploy in seconds
- Highly scalable
- PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, MySQL, Maria DB, etc. support
- Redis support
- Free daily backups
- Apache support
- Nginx support
- Open Lite Speed support
- Apache Cassandra support
- Container Registry
- Alerts by email and Slack
- Firewall and Anti DooS
- Free Reserved IPs
- 10 GB SSD
- 1 vCPU
- 512 MB RAM
- And much more...
powered by Digital Ocean
ComenzarVPS 2
powered by Kamatera
- Java and Spring support
- Free for 30 Days ($100 limit)
- Unlimited Scale Up and Scale Out
- Simple Management Console and API
- Support 365 days a year
- Flexible
- 18 Data Centers
- 1 vCPU
- 1 GB RAM
- 5000 GB Bandwidth
- 20 GB SSD Storage
- cPanel o Parallels
- Load balancers and Firewall
- 99.95% up-time guaranteed
- Docker support
- Kubernetes support
- Minecraft support
- Support for creating desktop applications
- Daily Backup
- PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, MySQL, Maria DB, etc. support
- And much more...
powered by Kamatera
ComenzarVPS 3
powered by Namecheap
- Java and Spring support
- 2 CPU cores
- 2 GB RAM
- 40 GB SSD RAID 10
- 1000 GB bandwidth
- Full root access
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- 24/7 Support
- cPanel
- AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian
- 1 IPv4
- 24/7 Live Chat
- PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, MySQL, Maria DB, etc. support
- Kubernetes support
- Docker support
- Terminal
- Redis support
- Backups
- And much more...
powered by Namecheap
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